6 / 30 / 2024

  • More story progress. Beat up my friend, Atsuka but he's okay! lol.
  • I just... love the protagonist and his "I'm going to kill everything in sight" default face lmao
  • People are turning to salt... The Aogami androids... hm...
  • My current team is: Me, Narcissus, Cirronpup, and the purple baby lady I forgot her name LOL

6 / 27 / 2024

  • I looked at my previous entries and goddammit, healer role came back again.
  • I should try it. Just... Try it. See if I can defeat the next major boss with it.
  • I beat purple guy (the one that gives you miracles) real quick this morning before work plus beat creepy horse man with hat quest
  • so I got all the glories so far (minus any I missed in quests) and all the giant purple things. I need to work on the magatsuhi miracles because I got a lot of moves from periapts and I gotta use them

6 / 26 / 2024

  • I need a break from this game LOL but it has become my second home. I love the game so so much!
  • Making progress in the story but I need to go hunting for items and finish quests. I'm broke lol. I need to work a bit harder in the game.
  • pretty attached to my current team right now, I hope we'll be able to face the boss. There's that big purple dude I need to fight but I need to be a higher level + I think his weakness is dark. I need more miracles.
  • my team is (from what I can remember): Me, Sentana, Pavarti, and Loa.
  • I've been thinking of backtracking and gathering items and doing quests I haven't done yet. It's a lot but I want to do it.
  • I should take a break though.
  • NO BREAK lol. Took the time to scavenge, grab the glories I left behind, got more miracles, and fused king frost.

6 / 20 / 2024

  • playing playing playing... Defeated "deer man" real quick before leaving for work lol

6 / 19 / 2024

  • very sexy ladies

6 / 18 / 2024

  • I REALLY wanted to try out a healer Nahobino so I created a separate save as a test. But I might as well just carry on with what I was doing and try the healer later
  • I also learned that you want to stick with one stat for the most part when using your points lol. For my main save I was going between str and mag lol
  • But... Healer nahobino... But also... First time playing the game. So it's easier to just plow through everything instead of figuring out heals and party members lol

6 / 17 / 2024

  • Story progression. Enjoying myself and my team already.
  • REALLY thinking about a support build for nahobino but do I really want to do that rn... While the next boss fight is namaah and large griffon dog xD
  • I only have one New Testiment tablet. Idk where I found it but I'd rather find one more in case I don't like my stats lol

6 / 14 / 2024

  • Game released! Purchased the game at midnight lol.