Hi! This is where I document my experiences playing SMTVV. Warning, it's pretty cringe. I'm new to the SMT series (only other game currently is SMT Nocturne). A lot of the time, I feel like I don't even know what I'm doing or if I'm doing things right LOL.

I usually run into difficulty trying to properly organize my team and their movesets but that's all part of the challenge. Hopefully, I'll get better the more I familiarize myself with the game and all the demons.

I usually journal my gameplay on my phone and then copy-paste onto here so... sorry for the typos and stuff. Prepare for some incredibly overly-analytical drivel. I surprise myself sometimes.

  • Language: Japanese but with English subtitles.
  • Normal mode.
  • Vengeance path first.
  • Support / Healer role.
  • Completely blind. Some researching if I'm truly stuck or if I want to learn more.

General thoughts so far...
  • I want to hold any big criticism until the end / make a SMTV shrine.
  • I'm loving it so far, it's my second home.
  • I'm enjoying the narrative and it's interesting so far.
  • Switched over the healer role like about 40 to 50 hours in the game lol.
  • A lot of over-analyzing my party. lol.