7 / 10 / 2024

  • Every time I tell myself, "I'm going to take a break from this game.", I end up not doing that lmao.
  • Figuring out the next fight with Yakumo and Nuwa and I have the party members (I think) but one of them is underleveled.
  • The party for the fight is: Atsuka, Baphomet (who is underleveled), Flauros, and me. In that order.
  • The support role makes things interesting and a bit hard (in my experience) but very fun and rewarding when trying to organize your team.
  • I'm also not doing enough on my end. I tend to forget my items and I wasted some glories on adding mastery when I probably should've went for the "demons can use items" miracle.
  • Buuuut it's okay I guess. Because during my trial run, I did beat Nuwa and after that, it's just surviving and beating Yakumo. And that's when Baphomet died and everything fell apart. Baphomet also needs Agidyne for the fight... If I have the essence. Baphomet has Maragion but it's medium damage.
  • at this point, I'll probably need a dedicated boost demon person. I was thinking about the demons I had earlier in my playthrough who were especially skilled with buffs and debuffs.
  • Though I don't think I'll need them in this boss fight, my buffing person is Dominion right now.
  • As for leveling Baphomet, it's best if I use Grimoires or I'm going to be grinding for a while. You can find Grimoires here and there but apparently Ara Mitamas (or the red mitamas) drop multiple Grimoires at a time.
  • I wish I did more research about the Mitamas. Sometimes I diss them when trying to get through the world and story.
  • so today was spent trying to find more Ara Mitamas and life has a funny way of doing things because of course, when I'm trying to find something, I can never find it.
  • But I did find two blue Mitamas (Nigi Mitamas who drop small glory crystals) and a grey Mitama (Kusi Mitamas who drops gospels which levels me up) so that was nice.
  • If I find more of those grey dudes then that just means more demons I can eventually summon that can help me too since I'll be leveling up.
  • I also defeated Hell Biker.
  • I'm sure I'll need a demon or essence with riberama to help with enemy encounters. I just don't have one right now lol. I think Macabre learns Riberama. I have Macabre but I tossed the move lol.
  • I finished Huang Long's side quest where I defeat the four gods. Definitely not ready for the fight against Huang Long though.

I'm going to change the font on this blog to make things much easier to read through. Also side note: This page does not work on mobile. You cannot see the sidebar in vertical view.

7 / 9 / 2024

  • A little bit stuck on the side quest fight against Onyakopon. He heals is all but I'm not doing enough damage so I think I have to level up a little. Then I remembered... oh yeah, the story LOL.
  • So... now I have to prepare myself for that. I already previewed the next boss fight with Yakumo and Nuwa so I think I remember their weaknesses. I should be good.
  • I feel like I have to get better at this because of my struggle with Onyakopon. >w> I want to be good at this game.
  • My team right now is me, Dominion, Flauros, and Baihu. But I will switch them around once I get to the main boss fight.
  • I am a little sick so my energy and brain is running on low right now.
  • I'm having too much fun with this game. I love it so much!!
  • I wonder who is the better choice though... Onyakopon or Anansi? But I'm not going to read anything about the quest. I chose Anansi first.

7 / 7 / 2024

  • Story progress, scavenging, side quests, leveling demons.
  • Defeated all of the purple dudes so far.
  • My teammates are me, Kushinada-Hime, Sarasvati, and Dionysus but I'm trying to figure things out. Gonna scope out the next boss fight and then I'll know what I really need.
  • I unlocked more special summons I just got to uh... summon them.
  • I need more macca.
  • My moveset is (from memory): Miracle Water, Bowl of Hygieia, Kannabi Veil, Divine Arrowfall (thinking about this one), Mana Spring and Hellish Mask.
  • Around 50 hours in now.
  • I think I got all the large demon statues too.
  • Also defeated Daisoujou.

One last thing...


7 / 6 / 2024

  • So I switched over to support and beat Khonsu and the gogmagog side quest so I can probably do it maybe.
  • but definitely not without suffering. My fights are cringe as fuck. Lol. Khonsu eventually wiped everybody but myself with his physical attack. He was on his last legs though so I defeated him by surviving and using gems. Gogmagog also achieved the same thing towards the end.
  • it's likely that I'm under leveled. It's also likely that I'm not utilizing as many buffs and I should. I do a number of debuffs but not buffs.
  • But I was the same in some parts In Nocturne and I wasn't even a healer. I guess it just takes some time to learn the movesets and stuff. It's so cringe, I'm really sorry lolol.
  • It's kinda stupid. I prioritize defense and attack but not accuracy and evasion. I think that's my problem. At least for some of these fights. Also: Demon traits.
  • support is my favorite role. If it's possible to get to the end game like this then I will definitely do that. Idk about demi-fiend and such but at least finish the storyline.

7 / 5 / 20244

  • Alright gonna test out the healer role again. I just love healing lol
  • gonna have to figure out the team for coverage though. It will be hard I think but I want to try
  • I was looking at some fusions real quick before work and... Hmm .... I guess it depends if I'm gonna test the healer build but might fuse horus and make isis? I think that's the fusion if I remembered correctly.
  • I keep forgetting that I also have demon incense
  • Racked my brain around a healer build and demons that have good coverage + charm resistance because the demons in Shinjuku 1 have sexy dance or whatever
  • this is genuinely hard for me to think about, especially right now but I wanna try. I have to grind anyways, I want to see if I can do it.

7 / 4 / 2024

  • A bit more story progress, exploring, more purple dudes, and demon fusions.
  • I really want to hold my opinions about the story until the end but I'm enjoying the direction so far!
  • Team: Me, Qing Long, Thunderbird, and Horus.
  • I don't think I'm really good at this demon fusion thing lolol
  • I think it's time for a break... For real this time. Honest.

7 / 3 / 2024

  • A lot of terrible progress has been made lmao.
  • Almost at the Cherubim but I tried to get the scary horse guy with the hat which resulted in my reloading saves over and over just to get the right dialogue choice. I don't think it was meant to be though lol.
  • I'm sure I'm a bit under-leveled for the area. You can tell (I think) by the enemies running up to you. They'll run away if you're over-leveled.
  • After the fight with multiple Powers, I tried to defeat the giant purple guy for more miracles but I need to redo my team.
  • I spend a great deal thinking about my team and their movesets... I think I just suck at organizing moves and trying to figure out which moves are best for which demon. It's a massive learning lesson for me. I also lowkey forget that I can just... keep demons around instead of fusing them left and right lol. It might be better to do in some cases, I feel.
  • I would keep going but I decided to stop lol.
  • Don't forget about the sidequests.
  • For the Power battle, my team was me, Macabre, Anubis, and Horus.
  • Ugh... still... healer role.... I feel like it would be better for me to organize my team this way even though I know it'd actually be much harder lol.
  • Yeah I'm that person who will reload a save if I have to lmao.

7 / 1 / 2024

  • New area time
  • I forgot the rest... Lol. Beat a purple dude for more miracles.
  • I think I fused a demon but I forgot my team.
  • I YEAH I FORGOT. I had two New Testiment Tablets and used one to redo Nahobino's stats. So now he's a magical powerhouse with a little bit of agility and luck.
  • I slo ordered the soundtrack but had to do with through eBay which is more expensive. I missed my chance through CDjapan. The CDs are no longer available.
  • Idk why so limited. Maybe the CDs will come back later but w/e eBay it is
  • I also defeated the Matador at some point
  • Another thing I forgot: at this point in the game, you can find more demons that can accompany your on your travels as in, finding secret items and rails in the hub world. Ive been tagging along with jack-o'-lantern
  • I'm about 40 hours in so far