8 / 11 / 2024

Haven't been catching up much due to health problems but things appear to be getting better. I did play a little bit last month. Also, I made some progress in SMT Nocturne today. I don't have a gaming journal for this one and I'm literally right at the fight against Lucifer in the True Demon Ending. I'm just gonna mention it at the end of this post.

- SMTVV from 7 / 24 / 2024...

  • I beat Yakumo and Nuwa but only after going though both Baphomet and Orobas. Yeah I gotta do this better but I did it.
  • I decided to catch up on some side quests and I ended up finding a bunch of Mitamas in the Fairy Village so that was cool
  • I have a couple Grimoires, some small glory crystals, and a bunch of relics that I sold so now I'm rich lol
  • I need to take advantage of the special summons. I can summon hell biker and daisoujou but not Matador yet. There's also one demon that I can summon but I forgot while writing this
  • I have enough glory for another upgrade but idk what yet
  • I'm at the fight against the next sexy demon lady which is the one with the fortune teller and I forgot her name. But she didn't seem all too bad after I jumped into the fight just to the a look. I just don't have the right team.
  • it's like I'm a little bit more reliant on damage and press turns as the support. Have everybody else hit as hard as they can and make it cycle back to me for heals and stuff.
  • That was my strategy for the previous fight. I moved Nahobino to the back so that everything can cycle back to me.
  • the uh... Problem... Was my extreme lack of foresight and bad memory (which is always a problem for me. I forget things lol).
  • Atsuki has a move where his demon aggros the opponent for a couple turns. I needed this because of Yakumo will start slashing his sword at fucking everybody. the think is, Atsuki's demon also gains increased accuracy or evasion (hardly works in my experience lol). He can heal himself for a great deal but yeah. Perhaps more importantly, he didnt have any moves that can cover the enemies weakness so that meant losing one press turn unless I hit a critical at random.
  • BUT I HAD BAIHU. Baihu had a similar move but instead, it increases his defense. But Baihu is weak to force attacks which is what Nuwa had.
  • but... You see... I forgot my essences in that moment. I shouldve just given Baihu either a Force Block or Resist Force to cover and I didn't. LMAOOOO. Also, since Baihu is one of my demons, I could've easily just given him a move just to add that one extra press turn. How I forgot this, I have no idea but thats my brain sometimes.
  • So... yeah could've made that fight go by a little bit easier... maybe?
  • Well... to the next demon lady!

- Progress from Nocturne TDE as of 8 / 11 / 2024...

  • I look break from the game but now I want to finish TDE.
  • I fucked up my save at the beginning of the Tower of Kagatsuchi so I don't think I'll be able to get the other endings?
  • I now have Shiva (and Vishnu), Beelzebub, and Metatron. Fusing Metatron wasn't that bad but I already had a lot of Macca so the process was a lot faster lol.
  • Now to level them up and fight Lucifer I guess lol
  • My other goals for this game is completing the compendium and mastering all the Magatamas but one step at a time. :P