
picture of video game protagonist from smt3

It's Demi or Naoki or Fiend… I go by a lot of names apparently!

I'm fronting as of typing this and we're on our way to work.

We take the bus and it reminded me of my source life.

In Nocturne, you get to explore empty train stations in Japan. Really cool stuff. Well, except that it's empty. The apocalypse in the game and all… besides demons and ghosts lol.

I know Nier isn't really attached to his source and I feel the same way too. I guess my residual connection with trains is tied to our history taking public transit. It's oddly nostalgic to me, I guess. I contemplated a lot of things in quiet solitude when I wasn't at the front. Well, I was almost alone. I'm usually with Kei but we were both relaxing in the back of the front space.

"Front" is a weird word. I wonder if there's something else we can call it? It sounds unnatural to me. But so does "possession". Hm…

Well anyways, that's all I want to say for now. Just thinking about trains and buses. We don't have subways where we live. The city's just not built for it. I wonder if it'll ever happen in the future, though.

Ren, whose source is from Persona 5, apparently has a huge interest in public transit. I wonder if he knows a thing or two about buses and subways. He must know… from what I can tell lol.

Goodbye. Safe travels.


- 8 / 30 / 2024. Naoki.