pixel artwork of a black bird feather System Interactions

artwork of the video game character nier

Nier here. I wanted to talk about our attempts talking to others as a system.

Minato and I agreed that communication gets chaotic around here. There are so many of us and we hardly get any opportunities to communicate with the outside world.

It's why Magatama decided to have an open place, such as this website, to vent.

I'm not a fan of rules. Sometimes I feel like I'm being surrounded by walls. I know we're just trying to be safe but... It sucks. It sucks when people don't understand you and were left to ourselves.

Well uh, anyway.

I think what I was trying to say is that we are chaotic when we talk, haha! I lot of us start interjecting at once; it's really bad. We didn't think of it a the time. We were just so excited to finally speak to someone but... Yeah.

It made us think that maybe we should learn to slow down a bit. ^^;

Also our last two experiences speaking to friends as a system was rough. The first person was fine... After they got over the fact that we weren't trying to manipulate them or use our disorder as an excuse to be a POS (they knew someone who did that, sadly).

The second person well... things were really awkward with them.

They supported us... I think... But the moment we started fronting, they thought we were trying to take Magatama away from them.

They were getting jealous and only wanted to speak with the body. It made things super awkward. Very very weird. We were just doing our job since there was a lot of stress going on at the time.

Well, if we decide to start speaking to people, we'll try to keep things slow for everyone.

Just talk. Like normal people.

[ Minato ] > Yeah, that's not happening.