Spirituality and More.

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I'm a pretty esoteric person these days which is something I didn't expect while growing up. I was raised religiously (Christian) but that didn't work out. Though I was never completely atheist and was always more agnostic.

One day, my soul felt pretty empty. I needed something to believe in or some kind of thing to put my faith into and follow. So I found myself back into the arms of spirituality. However, I don't like being devoted to any specific religion or belief system.

I guess you can call me a pan(en)theist, but I like the word "spiritual" instead. It's vague and less... "big word"-y.

I also love learning about philosophy but I'm also pretty dumb lol.

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My Beliefs.

These can change but basically:

- I believe there's energy that flows in the world.
- I believe in a one single "creator" god.
- There can be multiple gods or beings, like a family tree.
- "God", "The Absolute", or "The Source" are good words. [ more? ]

What I Do.

- I have a digital grimoire.
- I pray sometimes.
- I use tarot.
- I love learning about angelology and demonology.
- I use stones but not for healing or anything like that.
- I don't perform any rituals or engage in any witchcraft.

Some Points of Interest.

Here's some links that might be interesting. I try to avoid only Wikipedia articles.

NOTE: I may or may not have gone through these links in their entirety. If something doesn't seem right (inaccurate, offensive, bad resource, etc) let me know.

> The Logical Problem of Evil:
> Pascal's Wager:
> Sin in Christian Thought:
> Benedict De Spinoza (1632β€”1677) (IEP):
> Benedict de Spinoza (Britannica):
> Summary of Spinoza’s Philosophy:

Religion, Beliefs, etc:
> Let's Talk Religion (Youtube):
> Religion For Breakfast (Youtube):
> Theoi:
> Gnosticism:
> Pantheism:
> Deism:

> Occult Encyclopedia:
> ESOTERICA (Youtube):
> Demonology and Devil-lore:

> A History of the Tarot (Youtube):
> Labyrinthos:

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