
Life dump. WARNING! Mental health, adult topics... Alters might say something too.

artwork of fictional character juuzou suzuya from the tokyo ghoul series by creator ishida sui

Year 2025

head back

Bad Nostaliga - Mar. 9, 2025

Alter 1:
A return to our old name, Dani or Daniel. We really tried making Jay or Jayden work but in the end, I don't think it worked out. Dani / Daniel has been our name for over a decade. I think our mind is too attached. On top of that, I think Jay was used as a way to separate ourselves from certain bad experiences for a while.

Becoming Daniel again brought a wave of nostalgia that washed over our mind. Drowning our brain in all kinds of feelings and emotions. I don't think any of these feelings were "good" but the feelings weren't completely terrible either. Just too much to put into words. We go through these waves a lot. Lately, we've been thinking about the concept of continuity and how our existence breaks the continuity of memory or of the "self".

I think I am just upset today. Of course, all of our issues are manufactured in our minds. Nothing external happened other than, I guess, our continued efforts in bridging the gap of communication as a system. But that's supposed to be a good thing. It's supposed to be a good thing.

The weekend has been lazy. Spending time coding between periods of complete silence. Not doing much else. We started drawing again but it's bad lol so it's back to the basics. I'm disappointed in myself. We started cleaning but we need to continue. Things are still a mess. Been isolating ourselves. Too depressed to do much of anything. Thinking about all the things we want to do but haven't done. Breaking the mental silence, I put on Kamen Rider. I might find a samurai movie to watch though... I like those.

Last night, I had a lot of words to say but hardly anything is coming out now. We have this journal and all but to hell with talking about certain stuff. Maybe less is better.

You can't run away from yourself anymore... I try to calm things down but I understand the burden of knowledge. We all do.

Alter 2:
The destruction of faith. At some point in our life, I truly believed in a loving god. I really did. Now there is nothing. Nothingness is better than what we dealt with before. And yet, whenever we have difficulty, I still want to believe that there is something out there. Watching over us. Maybe. But then again, maybe it doesn't exist. It might be best to consult somebody else in our system with these thoughts...

The wrong feeling continues. It's compounding. We want to implode.

Tomorrow we finally start our externship. We are nervous and excited. We hope things go well. We are also very tired.

  • Mood: Okay?
  • Listening: Japanese men screaming and jumping everywhere.
  • Watching: Kamen Rider (1971).
  • Reading: Nothin.
  • Eating: Orange chicken and rice.

Third Month - Mar. 2, 2025

The Top

Happy March.

Went to touch bases with school, working on cleaning and reorganizing a bunch of things such as our figures. My god, my collection needed to be reorganized. I'm also thinking about selling some figures but I don't know yet. We got rid of a bunch of old clothes and got a new outfit from 42Lolita. It's a simple outfit - something we can wear every day and mix and match with other clothes. I was only able to get the sweater and the pants for now. Maybe I'll get the rabbit shawl next time. I love the pants so much so they are so big and poofy which makes my autism very happy. The vibe is kind of tech wear-ish which is cool.

I wouldn't call ourselves a "lolita"... yet. lol. I mean, I don't think I would want to wear an outfit that's "too much". But I love the simple outfits and the simple colors. I love suits, dressy shirts, shorts, boots and dress shoes, and jackets. And the the tech wear style.

Lolita fashion is expensive like pretty much all alt fashion is. I do have a more lolita-y outfit but I never got the whole set. Just the shirt, matching shorts, and a random pair of boots. I bought those clothes from Lolita Wardrobe a whila ago.

Took it upon myself to start another web project. Yep. We can't get enough of re-coding this damn website. But this time we're learning 11ty which I think is cool. I dunno, just something that's outside our of our comfort zone. And I guess we really want to work hard on our HTML and CSS. Getting more in-depth with semantic HTML, learning how to use aria labels, and thinking about more ways we can make things accessible. That also means making the new site mobile friendly. This is a real learning curve but I guess we'll see how it goes.

The Bottom (vent post)

Who has been fronting lately? It doesn't really matter. It's been a terrible period of sadness, grief, and loneliness.

If it's not the fucked up mind, then it's the fucked up environment. Everything just feels *wrong*. So, so *wrong*. I don't want to talk about the world right now because sometimes I feel as though my environment has failed me. But I have failed myself too. Unfortunately, whenever we think about "The Memory", we tend to devolve immediately. Are we recoverable at this point?

All that I know is that I am alone. It is dark inside the mind, besides myself and this body. It is sad and quiet and nobody can touch me. Just how I want it right now. Well, besides our caretaker who checks in every once in a while...

I've been in tears. Here's something that our body typed a while ago. Nothing descriptive but there's a bit more context, I guess...


I hate how abuse makes us feel. Gross. Disgusting. Terrible. Worthless. Depressed. Angry. Fearful. Paranoid. Forgetful, heartsick, nostalgic, hopeful, desirous, desperate, lonely...

Missing your abuser is the worst feeling. It's worse than hating them. Why couldn't my abuser be some sick, heartless, soulless fuck. Instead, they had to be a human. And that hurts. That really fucking hurts.

I will never forget what they have done to me. I also see moments where things might have been different. I can tell from the memories of us smiling and having a good time. I can tell from the times they've opened their heart to me.

All of it juxtaposed with memories of [ redacted ]. They were so close to me. I hate that. I hate how they were so close to me.

  • Mood: null.
  • Listening: null.
  • Watching: null.
  • Reading: null.
  • Eating: null.

Birthday - Feb. 23, 2025

It was my 29th birthday yesterday. My family has officially called me "old" and our dad took us on a trip to Universal Studios as a birthday gift.

photo of the left side of super mario world attraction at universal studios amusement park featuring the plains level, the ice level, and bowser jr.'s castle side-view photo of the outside of bowser's castle from the super mario world attraction at universal studios amusement park photo of bowser's statue from inside bowser's castle at the super mario world attraction at universal studios amusement park

We've been there several times before and we had loads of fun once again. The only downside was that we had forgotten to take our migraine meds in the morning and migraine medication is so damn time sensitive. I started feeling it after the first few hours we were there but the symptoms weren't that bad. We stayed until closing.

Every once in a while, my mind would be struck with the dark reality of our country. It is certainly a privilege going to an amusement park and enjoying ourselves. We also needed the break.

While I do my best to stay informed and help out whenever we can, all of the news was burning us out. I'm not entirely sure how we should process our own state of living... Sometimes I would feel guilty.

But we did have fun... I think I have to look at it like that... We never thought we would make it this far in our lives.

Website - Feb. 16, 2025

We write drafts for our journal entries. I thought about what we have typed out for this week. Another emotional and personal post... but I've decided against posting it for now. We haven't been doing very good and I think I just want to talk about something else.

So... I'll talk about our website I guess?

We've been contemplating making an about page for our website, outlining our history with coding and stuff but for some reason, I don't want to make it lol. To be honest, our coding history is kinda long and chaotic. I think it shows a pre-diagnosed and mentally unaware younger me learning how to build a functioning website. I don't think anybody would want to read that lmao.

I'll summarize it though. When you're young, you're trying to find your place in the world. I went through a lot of usernames and spent time in some art and fanbase circles before settling down with the name "soulbox" and cutting myself off from social media almost completely.

"soulbox" is from Soul Box or Soul Box which is one of the areas in NieR Automata. Specifically, it's one of the resource units that 9S infiltrates so that he can gain access to the last area, The Tower. What's funny is that I briefly forgot what the Soul Box entailed. Each resource unit has a challenge and with Soul Box, you just hack a few boxes. I remember having such a difficult time hacking one box during my first playthrough. An old friend was watching me play at the time and I gave them the controller. They had way more experience with shmups than I did lol. Playing Automata again and I breezed right through challenge.

screenshot of the resource unit soul box in the flood city location in the video game nier automata

Other than the name, I didn't have any specific reason to go by it. I think it's interesting that the Soul Box involves hacking because of the concept of hacking as an android being related to the transferring and exploration of the consciousness... I'm going on a tangent so I'm going to stop myself. There are two other resource units in the game: the God Box and the Meat Box. I felt that Soul Box suited me more.

When I first started coding everything was chaotic and colorful and animated. It's actually nauseating looking at my old websites. I think I learned a lot about coding from how "cool" I wanted everything to look but my vision would eventually change over the years. My chronic migraines became more severe migraine aura and seizures. So I toned things down. The good thing about that is that I'm starting to learn about accessibility. It's a process though...

You can click the website screenshots to view them. Opens a new tab.

screenshot of my old website '02'. has lime green background, a hot pink navigation bar, and cartoon font

But why did I want to make a site in the first place? Just to see if I could after years of tinkering with code in Neopets and Tumblr themes. Some of you might remember a website called Quack It. I took one coding class and by that I mean, I took like... 10 minutes of Free Code Camp before giving up and just going for it. Learning as I go. Referencing other websites. I would use a template for practice and experimenting. The sadgrl template is what helped me build this website by referencing how flex box is used but I'm still learning. ;_;

I don't think I have a specific style or goal with my website. Really, I just emulate what I've seen around and hopefully make something I can call my own through trial and error. I like my current website with how contained it looks. I have no idea how it looks on bigger screens though...

a screenshot of one of my old website layouts featuring video game character brother nier and a layout inspired by windows 98 one of my old website layouts featuring video game character rion and a layout inspired by windows 98 using a site template by sadgrl one of my old website layouts inspired by a video game location the amala network from shin megami tensei iii

These webpages are still my favorites. Hmm...

That's all. I didn't post many screenshots because I don't feel like going through my entire web building history. I'm also really bad at organizing things and my website files are scattered across multiple different folders for some ungodly reason lol.

It's Adam - Feb. 9, 2025

Hi there, my name is Adam. It is nice to meet you, whoever is reading this! My source is from NieR Automata but I've actually been around for while just sitting "in the back". As for my role in the system, you can say that I use my knowledge of pain to support and help everyone. I help handle pain and stability. I have a profile on "our system" page.

I'm currently taking the place of one of our former members, Minato. To summarize, Minato used to be our gatekeeper / manager for many years but now he has merged (or fused) with another person in the system. We're still a little bit saddened about losing Minato but we know that nobody is truly "lost" or "gone" in a system. We miss him so much.

Other things that I guess I'll mention (the world is going to hell in a handbasket anyways from the looks of it)...

It is unlikely that we still ever be able to achieve final fusion. In fact, none of us want to fuse completely into one being. But fusions will occur, especially for those who want it. We've been musing a lot about how we wish to exist. 9S typed some of his thoughts about it. Maybe we'll post it, maybe we won't...

Right now, I just want to focus on getting ourselves back to shape. There's a lot going on with the world on the outside and therefore, a lot going on with the world from the inside. After so much stress, we are all quite relieved and happy that we can come out again and do what we need to do! I came here to help steer the helm of our ship.

That is all I want to say. I'm not used to fronting AT ALL so this'll be fun and interesting haha! Also, I send my thoughts to eveybody and every system out there who is struggling right now.

It's scary talking about these parts of ourselves but we have nothing to lose, I guess! We must keep living. No matter what.

Oh and guess who we got...

picture of a toy figure manufactured by form-ism of character nahobino from video game shin megami tensei v

Yes!! (and wow, what a genuinely terrible picture... LOL. I'm going to have to look into our camera settings.) He came much faster than we expected probably because of what's been going on right now. Our body decided to go for air mail since the shipping was cheaper. Our figures shrine is almost done. We also have a Flight Rising shrine that we forgot to add to our "interests" page. The FR shrine is almost done too!

The World - Feb. 2, 2025

The world feels like a ghost. Spent the weekend absorbing information about the world around me. Didn't finish homework. Aw well.

People are still noisy creatures. Talking and laughing and stuff. Kids crying and yelling. Went shopping. Petted our dog. My ears have been hurting. My mind grasps anything that gives the body a sense of "normalcy". I am blessed. I am broken.

God is what you make God to be. God does what you want God to do. God is a manifestation that you hope will materialize and commuicate with you when called upon. Others might say that you are God. In either case, God's ultimate purpose is to fulfill your desires, somehow, despite being a mere human. A human who can't fully conceptualize the infinite. Let alone, predict the future of your own consequences.

I know that and I still feel like praying. I know it's not worth shit. I try not to pray for things and instead, be thankful for things. But I don't know what I want to say to my God right now.

I got my externship. My first venture into the medical world. I am nervous. I'm also very excited.

Evening - Jan. 26, 2025

Thank you for the replies on my neocities page! I appreciate everyone's support. ^^ I didn't want to respond to everybody individually since there's no proper way to ping or respond to people in the neocities comments but yeah! I'm surprised that my website invokes some kind of aesthetic because honestly I'm just winging it. Not sure about Omori thoughā€¦ I never played it, actually. But if there's something that reminds you of that game or other things then that's cool!

I decided to change "creative" to "my art". It's a lot of old art but maybe this will help motivate me, I don't know.

The website is cooking and most certainly has for probably the last year. Because I will do anything else besides the stuff that I really want to do for this site. Another excuse is because of work and school. I'll be on my externship eventually. So I gotta focus on that.

I dropped my old, beaten and battered phone for the last time. That was it. The internals were still working (connecting just fine, apps still workingā€¦) but that screen was done for. Went to get a new phone on the same day. So horray.

I also bought some things. A SMTV pouch and Nahobino keychain from ebay and the NieR novel, "Short Story Long".

(pictured from right to left) a photo of a small plush keychain of character nahobino from video game smtv, a book titled 'short story long' by jun eishima and yoko taro, a small pouch resembling the jousei school bag from video game smtv, a small pink keychain of character panther from video game persona 5

"Short Story Long" was the last NieR novel that I needed so the collection is complete for now -waits patiently for Replicant File 02 and NieR Reincarnation-. The seller for the SMTV bag pouch also added a P5T keychain so that was very nice of them. I don't have the game but I got Panther. I love the Nahobino keychain so much; he is so adorable and portly.

That does it for the non-personal stuff. Now the personal stuff.

I don't want to talk about it, actually.

I don't know. It's more memory garbage and my memories have become useless to me now. A bad memory will hit me for a moment and now it doesn't matter to me anymore. My mind is a giant glass of alcohol from the way it drains any and all feeling from itself.

I'm not sure whether to feel sad or relieved by this. But I spent the weekend not doing anything at all soo... I would like to resume to "normal" life.

Girlfriend - Jan. 20, 2025

I haven't talked about our partner yet.

Without going into detail, I mentioned going through some [ stuff ] last year. Eventually, we met our partner after the incident. However something... happened... which caused us to leave our relationship.

There's a decent memory gap. It took reconnecting with our partner to fully understand the sequence of events. I'm going to stop this part of the story here.

Our partner does not have DID but she has the patience of a saint. Even after dropping contact with her, our partner just waited for us. In her own words, "You always come back."

We are all truly blessed to have her. We are also scared to have her. We talked about it as a body and as a system. She understands. I don't understand how she understands but she does.

I won't talk too much about this but I guess I just wanted to say something about it. It's been on my mind for a couple months now. I didn't want to come off like our girlfriend was just some random person who we ended up with.

We've been together for over a year. Part of that year has been lost to amnesia.


Lately I've been feeling quite numb. I think something else happened the other day. I don't know. It's the moment where my brain feels like something is terrible wrong with it- besides the illnesses that I already have lol.

That's when I realized that I've been feeling very flat. Robotic. Emotionless. But not completely.

I deleted what remained of my social media and other accounts. The accounts that I can access anyways. I want to be open and reachable but I also don't want to be.

Appearances - Jan. 12, 2025

Little brother came to visit. Went to a makeup store and bought myself my first set of makeup products. I feel odd getting into makeup very late but here I am. I look at myself in the mirror and I'm like "oof". The employees at the store were able to get me started on something simple. One of them said that I have nice bone structure so to them, I don't need to like "sculpt" my face too much. I've been thinking about that compliment since andā€¦ I don't know why LOL. I don't take compliments well. I appreciate them but my mind stops functioning whenever I hear them. My brain has been thinking, "I have nice bonesā€¦"


My wardrobe can use a change tooā€¦ I don't mind being an emo anime person into my 30s but I'm also thinking about formal clothes. All of this led to me thinking about my gender too. I meanā€¦ my emotions have been all over the place and gender happens to be one of the 99 problems going on with me. Sometimes I wonder if part of my emotional issues is my dysphoria but it's hard for me to tell.

My feelings about makeup and new clothes are a brand-new experience for me, tbh. I guess it's like... how far do I want to go with with presentation. Androgyny has always been an odd spot for me, personally. I teeter on enjoying being masculine but hating not being feminine in other respects and vise-versa. Dysphoria further complicates things. Basically, I am a "guy"... but to what extent? I have my packer and I've been thinking about wearing a chest binder again. I haven't worn that since high school. In fact, I'm going to have to buy a new binder.

I've been feeling uncomfortable with my chest as of late. Well... truthfully... I'm always uncomfortable with my chest. Some days are just better than others and I wear men's / unisex shirts anyways so usually nothing sticks out. Until it does, I guess.

But back to makeup, I know you can make yourself look very masculine with it too. I think about testing that out. Yeah. I don't know. But I'm happy with these little changes in my appearance. I wonder what my coworkers are going to thinkā€¦

I passed my last term and now I'm onto the next. One more month of med school and then I'm heading to externship. Time moves quickly. I can't wait to get out of my part time job and embark on a new journey in healthcare.

After suffering from what I believe was a weird emotional rut, I started investing in my interests again. I hate how hard it is for me to do that. Interests should come naturally but my mind likes to fight it. I get so depressed that I just don't want to do anything at all. Never underestimate my ability to spend an entire day staring at the ceiling in the dark and sleeping the time away.

Butā€¦ I had some downtime over the weekend so I started playing my games again. I feel goofy for not finishing SMTVV or Metaphor but aw well. I really miss playing SMTVV so much. I don't know why that game (and series in general) makes me so emotional but it does. I love these games that much I guess.

artwork of nahobino from shin megami tensei v by atlus artist masayuki doi

[ @megaten_atlus on twitter ]

picture of my lucario plush and my nahobino plush sitting on top of a stack of PS4 games in my bedroom

[ My Lucario and Nahobino plush sitting together on a stack of PS4 games. ]

I was also replaying NieR Automata. Been thinking about Automata a lot. Also thinking about other games that I want to playā€¦ but I'm also not that interested in playing a lot of video games anymore, to tell you the truth. I just stick with a couple JRPGs and that's it. I used to play rhythm games but I don't have my iphone anymore. I loved playing Rotaeno and Phigros. I definitely need a new iphone. The phone I have isā€¦ bad. lol.

Our headmate, 9S, ended up doodling a portrait of himself. I miss drawing too. I also hate drawing because I feel like I'm bad at it. I see so many artists with that deep passion for art and every time I draw, I keep thinking of the talent I wasted. I start getting mad at myself. Like if I didn't stop drawing for years then my art would've been so much better by now. Every doodle is like I have to reteach myself how to draw again. It's my fault but yeah. I used to love art and now it's a struggle to draw anything at all.

There's a lot more I could talk about but then this journal entry would be very long. I'll save the rest of my emotional garbage for another time. And sorry if my words are bad. Like the way I'm forming sentences. I'm out of it and I don't know why.

Layout - Jan. 5, 2025

Hi hi, I changed the layout again. Something is wrong with me. But while I'm at it, I might as well talk about my web building journey. I feel a little bit better and I got some medicine.

I know it's tiring with me changing everything around all of the time. It's a serious problem of mine. Maybe it's the DID, maybe it's just me. But revisions help a lot because then I start to see all these little weird decisions that I've or somebody else made while coding our pages. So that's how I cope with the issue lol. I read somewhere that you don't want to use margins to space out content so... the journal change was made. Flexbox again.

The new layout is oddly reminiscent of this old thing here and yeah. I used some parts of it. Unlike the old website though, the black background from the pop-up box actually covers the whole screen this time.

I'm still really bad with web aesthetics. It's hard to do what I'm trying to do... and I'm not sure what I am trying to do with our website. It's "anything goes while trying to figure ourselves out". Poor website ends up being an artistic guinea pig for us.

But I think we're learning about semantic code which I think it cool, at least. I remember our div upon div upon div horror from the early web building beginnings. Now everything is way easier to navigate through. The only problem is our CSS which is a mess. I see all these little ways I can streamline it but yeah, I definitely need to learn more. And JS. And iframes.

2024 - Jan. 4, 2025

Sorry for the journals. I'm trying to fill this page up which also helps me make adjustments to the code lol. I can never be satisfied with journal pages, I swear.

But anyway, I guessā€¦ let me reflect on last year?

I made a post about it when I uploaded the new website but I changed the post. Last year is something that I don't have a lot of reflection about and if I do, then I want nothing to do with it. But... then I feel bad for not having a reflection like other people do lol.

2024 was a year of a lot of self discovery layered with some horrible trauma and sprinkled with dissociative amnesia. In other words, it was a mess of a year for all of us but we made it through I guess.

I guess one thing I can say is that I've never felt closer to myself on a personal level. We ended up getting diagnosed with autism last year. Our DID diagnosis came some time before that but we've been working hard on ourselves since. I think I also wanted to foster on online space for ourselves as a system so yeah.

I won't get into the process since that's very personal and I'm sick and I have limited brain energy anyways. But if I had to summarize what the "recovery process" feels like with DID then I'd say that it is perhaps the most painful, most freeing, and most surreal experience in our entire lives. Not to mention that we've been recovering completely on our own. But now we've come into contact with another therapist who might be able to help us.

We didn't do much last year but we did get started on our medical career. Other than thatā€¦ just a lot of grieving. Grieving the past self, grieving the self who I thought I knew but didn't, and grieving the self who never got to know themselves.

I don't think I've been so broken up in my life and while trying to maintain a sense of normalcy at the same time. I see how our system helps me and keeps me alive. It is alsoā€¦ wellā€¦ surrealā€¦ when I finally "come back". When I'm (the body, Jay) is at the front.

That's all I can say about it right now. I don't have a lot of energy from being sick and my head hurts. As for any new year resolutions, I don't have any.

Except maybe... live.

Virtual Pets - Jan. 3, 2025

Hi. I'm going to talk about virtual pets.

I grew up playing Neopets probably like most kids around my age. I know Neopets is still around butā€¦ I'm really upset! In my last Neopets account, I had three Hissis and now I don't remember my login! An old friend gave me those Hissis. Ever since I was a wee baby, all I ever wanted was one damn Hissi (and Drake too). I finally got the Hissis and I can't remember my account. AAAAAAAA

But I think that was before Neopets went allā€¦ somewhere... I forgot where lol. I think it tried to be educational. Then that failed and Neopets was going to be an NFT project or something. Luckily, those behind Neopets had a brain and it to it's old, classic self. Nostalgic adults such as myself couldn't be happier. But damn, do I miss my Hissis. It's like... what's the point in making another account almost. lol.

Well, after I had my fun with Neopets as a kid, I found this site called "Rescreatu". I have vague memories of what the site used to look like all those years ago but surprisingly, it's still around. And I decided to make an account because of nostalgia.

Rescreatu is a virtual pet game where you pets can grow and I thinkā€¦ die of starvation as well. All pets come from an egg that you randomly find while exploring each of the worlds. Eggs need to be incubated but a bit before you hatch them. It takes a full month for a pet to reach its adult stage but I think there are items that can immediately grow your pet. Pets also came in a huge variety of colors and variations, both natural (hatched colors) and dyed (colors you have to buy in-game or through the credit shop). There were also seasonal pets and rare pets that can be bought in the website's credit shop (Pay real money. How the site gets support). It's still a cool and unique game, especially with the added worry that your pets can actually die.

artwork of the zenirix species from the virtual pet game rescreatu

[ Zenirix artwork by crowflux ]

artwork of the otachie species from the virtual pet game rescreatu

[ Otachie artwork by kirawra ]

If I remember correctly, there was a graveyard where you could revive your dead pet. There was also the pet showcase which is basically a "favorite pet" gallery. You place them in the showcase to which they'll never die.

Next up, a game called Pet RPG. I was browsing Pet RPG the other day and man, did I love this one too. Sadly, Pet RPG no longer exists. It was turned into an NFT project. But when it was around, it was a neat little active site with very adorable pets!

artwork of the various pets with their natural colors from an old virtual pet game called pet rpg artwork of the various pets with the forest giants color from an old virtual pet game called pet rpg artwork of the kopa pet and its various colors from an old virtual pet game called pet rpg

[ Pet RPG pets artwork by ZOMB13S ]

We've been playing Flight Rising. Our FR account is almost 10 years old. "Playing" is subjective lol. We're alone and we don't talk to anybody. Just do "dailies" and dress up our dragons. But the older and creative userbase, the mature audience, and the wonderful artwork keeps us coming back.

artwork of the aberration dragon shopkeeper npc named Glass & Gloss from the game flight rising artwork of the ridgebacl dragon shopkeeper npc named Arvelle from the game flight rising artwork of the spiral dragon shopkeeper npc named Roundsey from the game flight rising

Here's a dragon of ours that we recently dressed up (but not finished). Her name is Juliet!

a picture of a purple tundra dragon wearing and gas mask and black and purple rose themed apparel from our lair in the game flight rising

So yeah, just wanted to infodump about virtual pets. A change of pace I guess. Something else to talk about so that I'm not... yeah.

Anxiety - Jan. 2, 2025

Social anxiety time.

I just get super embarrassed with myself with anything that I post online, including art. I don't like looking at myself. Not even in the mirror. It's like I wanna reach out to people and express myself. I also rather be alone and socializing freaks me out when beyond very basic "hellos" and "goodbyes".

But um... here's some pictures of the TG manga box and the TG Sound Chronicles:

Nothing here.